Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm Going to Remind Him of This

Sam's experiencing a growth spurt. He's getting taller and stronger rapidly. Yet, when I say something like, "You're growing up so fast," his response is to gape in horror. I didn't really understand until today at lunch.

"I'm really not looking forward to being a teenager," he said.

"Why not, Sam?" I asked, laughingly, for when he says something like that out of the blue I know it's going to be a good insight.

"Because I don't want to lose my logic and start walking around without my shirt with tattoos or something looking really goofy like I see a bunch of the teenagers doing. What's next?! Start walking completely in just underwear since we can see some of the underwear anyway already. And then, I saw a guy walking around with green hair sticking up."

"Don't worry, Sam. I will tell you if you start looking ridiculous."

He shook his head seriously. "No, by then, I'll have lost my logic and think you're out of your mind."
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Joan said...

He's right you know.

Becky Bartlett said...

He is such a funny insightful little guy!!