Monday, June 7, 2010

A Girl of Many Talents

Katarina informed us the week before Memorial Day that she would be having finals. Finals! I don't remember finals until high school, but they're starting them early here.
She had 3 tests on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend and then more this week. Today she came home celebrating - she got a 100 on one of her finals, even though she'd only been at the school for a couple of months. The band teacher had a contest to see who could play the tuba the best on a first try. The crew picked a gal and a guy, and Katarina made her tuba-loving Dad proud as she took home the prize. I'm afraid this might be fodder for more hints on buying a tuba though. ( ;
She also recieved a lovely card and chocolate bar from her advisory teacher praising her latest performances. This is one reason I'm thankful for teacher conferences here --- the teachers told stories of her whipping out an Australian accent for a report, her dramatic display performing as a Greek Goddess, and more.
We're very proud of how well our daughter has adjusted to middle school life.
More proud mama end-of-school moments to come on Anabelle and Sam moments.
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1 comment:

beepbeep said...

With her parents what else could you expect.