Friday, April 9, 2010

Nothing Is As It Seems

I bought a big bag of Gala apples and displayed them in a nice bowl at the center of the dining room table. Anabelle chowed down on one instantly. A few hours later she chowed on another. Three apples a day for three days. I expressed my surprise. "Wow, Anabelle! I'm impressed! Choosing apples as your healthy snacks."

"Yeah, I know! I'm six years old and my teeth are supposed to fall out soon, so when I eat an apple it sort of hurts all the teeth, so if I keep eating the apples the teeth will get loose and fall out so I can get money from the tooth fairy!"

I took a good ten seconds to digest everything she said. "So who gave you this idea?"

She displayed her million-dollar grin. "I thought of it all by myself!"

1 comment:

beepbeep said...

It seems like the tooth fairy better be saving up for a big haul.