Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sam's Birthday!

Wow, what a day!  What a week!  Anabelle has been sick since Saturday night which has put a bit of a damper on life lately - especially given that she has yet to sleep through the night all week.  But, we've survived.

Sam had a great birthday though.  He turned 8 today.  He's becoming an incredibly brilliant, witty, caring, and funny young man.  His CEO tendencies have come out in full force this week.  Being old enough to comprehend this birthday celebration stuff he brainstormed and planned his whole day complete with rainy-day options.  So here's what options actually happened today:

A gift in bed.  Sam deduced aloud that since he had 2 sets of grandparents and 1 set of parents that it was likely he'd get 3 presents, so he wanted one-third of his gifts at each meal. 

Breakfast in bed.  He wisely chose mostly gluten-free meals and desserts throughout the day, but he asked that he could have one donut.  Request granted with a side of gluten-free pancake and turkey bacon.
For lunch, he requested homemade pizza (yep, gluten free), and for dinner a hot dog roast outside on the deck. (Dad loved this one).  
Here's the dessert he prepared for his class at the elementary.  Rice krispies/cocoa pebbles combo.
Suh-weet.  He got to play WAY more video game time than normal today, but he pushed it too far when he asked to play Nintendo DS instead of reading at bedtime.  Nope. Denied.  During the day, his siblings totally enjoyed his new game through a wireless play option.
SCOOTER!!!  He took it for a few spins today on the kitchen floor, but hopefully tomorrow we'll pull out the gear and take it for a neighborhood ride.  Today was just too busy for more.
The Reptile Man Assembly at school.  Sam was given the opportunity, since it was his birthday, to hold Lucy-the-alligator for a moment.  Creepy!!!  
Gift card!  Cha-ching!
And tonight, the Reptile Man gave a show.  (The campfire smell emanated from us as we walked in.)  Here's a pic of the pics they took with Betty-the-boa-constrictor.  Again, too creepy!  They LOVED it.  Betty tried to lick Katarina and then tried to stick it's body in Sam's pocket, tail first.
And now, praying for a good night's sleep to get ready for eight 8year old boys arriving at my house Saturday for 2009 BIRTHDAY OLYMPICS! (Sam has informed me this will be the party of choice every four years.)

1 comment:

mommawen said...

I how did I not know that Sam & Kat had such bright futures as reptile handlers.