Thursday, January 28, 2010

With Permission

Believe it or not, I often ask my children if I can put things on the blog that give my funny bone a workout. There are some things, especially videos and photos, that, to my great disappointment, they have not given permission.
Anabelle's sensibilities or her claim to fame still give me a lot of latitude to share her wittiness.
Today, Anabelle sat next to her Daddy, then rose and got a cookie. She came back and sat on his lap and said, "Cookie crumbs will help you smell good."
How's that for tactfulness?

Anabelle often pretends to be a kitty named, of all things, MeowMeow. In my opinion she took it a little too far, however, when she pounded on the occupied bathroom door with, "MEOW! MEOW! Let me in! The litter box is full!"

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