Monday, November 30, 2009

A Creative Bunch

Katarina is very blessed to have four like-minded friends in town that share her creative, passionate spirit. Three of those friends performed in the play with her. They entertained (and some times drove us nuts) us carpooling moms with creative stories, song spoofs, and raps every moment they were together. Her friend Rosellyn had this idea to sing tribute to all of the adult helpers of the play. All four girls were off and running with the muse and before we knew it, had perfected a rocking rhymin rhythmically all-that rap. It truly was impressive how quickly they put it together.
Since the mothers of these brilliant girls were blessed with hearing it over and over and over (and over) the last week of practices, it seemed unfair to bless the rest of the world with it only one mere time.
So here it is, video taped at the unveiling, singing tribute to director Jane and her crew of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. (My apologies to the one eating pizza - sorry! didn't mean to catch you at that moment!)

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